Couples Therapy

2304689105Relationships are difficult.

Couples represent two individuals with different feelings, passions, and goals who attempt to meld finances, home, and raising children.

What could go wrong? The answer is EVERYTHING.

Do you find that, as a couple, you argue more frequently? Are arguments escalating to the point where one or both of you begin to question the relationship?

Maintaining a working relationship is not easy, even under the best circumstances, and when problems start to challenge that relationship, Couples Therapy can help.

They aren’t hearing me.

Do you find that you and your partner can’t see eye to eye?

They don’t understand your viewpoint; you don’t get theirs either.

Sometimes, avoiding the conversation feels easier than attempting to communicate, so you avoid it.

Honest conversations are difficult, especially when one or both sides fail to listen without conflict. Couples Therapy provides a nonjudgmental space where constructive discussions can occur.

2371302003The spark is gone!

Do you miss the couple you were when you first started dating?

Have everyday tasks, and child-rearing made you more into business partners than a loving couple?

Are you stuck in the same patterns but long for the laughter and passion that you once had?

As your to-do list increases, it is hard for couples to maintain what brought them together initially. Couples Therapy can help you find ways to keep that spark alive.

Not all relationships can last forever.

There it is, the elephant in the room. I said it.

Do you feel guilty because the relationship isn’t going to work out? Are you staying for the kids or the vows that you took? Is this the way you want to spend forever?

There are times when it isn’t going to work, and it’s time to begin a new chapter. But you don’t have to endure the anger, guilt, and sorrow.

Couples Therapy can help you work to move on in a friendly, amicable way.

2237506391Couples Therapy offers a bias-free space.

In this space, couples can gain insight into their relationship and ways to build a stronger and more fulfilling relationship where each partner feels understood and respected.

Whether you’re looking to deepen your communication, build trust, develop intimacy, or learn to co-parent your children successfully, I strive to help you develop greater satisfaction in your relationship and, as a result, in your overall lives.

As your therapist, I will highlight maladaptive patterns that have prevented you from having the relationship that you desire and provide you with tools and skills designed to strengthen your ability to express empathy for both your partner and you.

Gain a better perspective on your relationship, find new ways to communicate, and keep that spark alive. Even if your relationship doesn’t last, you can find ways to make the split less stressful. Contact me today, and let’s work on your relationship issues.