Individual Therapy

2028567308Something needs to change.

Something isn’t right. You’ve tried everything but still feel stuck. It’s challenging to choose which step you need to take next.

You’re tired of how things are and unsure where to begin. Sometimes, it’s challenging to identify what keeps you feeling unfulfilled.

Making decisions is difficult, especially when some choices may mean a radical change.

Identifying the changes needed and developing a strategy for implementing those changes is where individual therapy can help.

There is a lack of clarity in your life.

Everything feels hazy. You go through the day-to-day on autopilot while feeling tired.

All your energy seems to go to everyone else, and at the end of the day, you feel too exhausted to think about yourself.

Nothing seems to change – each day goes the same way. You wonder when it will ever be your turn.

Having someone who listens without judgment is the best way to gain clarity. Individual therapy is about YOU gaining clarity.

Gaining a more profound understanding is essential.

You’re in a space where you wonder what makes you happy.

There are so many questions for which you have no answers.

What makes you thrive? Where is the you that you once knew? Who is it that you want to be today? Why do you keep falling into the same patterns over and over?

Finding answers to those questions is more manageable with individual therapy.

Having a safe space to express feelings is essential.

You feel like no one understands you and what you’ve been through.

You’ve tried talking to friends and family, but they don’t understand.

At this point, you need a space where you can have someone listen to you and support you through your struggles.

Individual therapy offers a nonjudgmental space where you can express your innermost feelings.

1675828495Let’s make your life easier.

Individual therapy is a transformative relationship where you can talk to me, your therapist, about anything in an environment where you will feel seen, heard, and understood without fear of judgment.

We meet for 50 minutes once per week in a space that is just for you. During this time, we will examine the whole of you, including your mind, body, spirit, relationships, and environment, and discover what is and isn’t serving you.

As your therapist, I will honor you and the experiences that shaped who you are today while encouraging and guiding you to the place that you wish to be.

You matter!

Whether your struggles seem like significant, life-altering issues or minor distractions, they matter to you, and as such, they matter to me.

A fresh perspective can often illuminate the negative self-beliefs or maladaptive behavior patterns that hold you back from healing and moving forward.

Symptoms from anxiety, depression, stress, early experiences, and complicated relationships can be debilitating and may fog your ability to see the answers that are within you. As your therapist, I will work to lead you to clarity while supporting you in a collaborative and compassionate environment.

Contact me today, and let’s begin that transformation that helps you resolve whatever has you stuck.